For the past month, or so, between handling our online store products and rebuilding my crashed laptop, I’ve been working out how to best use Scrivener, the inexpensive yet Powerful writer’s organization program. (You can get your version on AmazonĀ through my affiliate link, here: Scrivener on Amazon.
I have been dipping my toes in a bit at a time. I have most of my writing projects loaded up, and have used it to publish Blog posts, and work on my Kindle books in process. I can start and stop as my interest wanes, and then pick up where I left off.
Scrivener is almost endlessly useful. You can adapt it almost any writing project and writing style.
For example, you can take the typical outline, and add your chapters. You can tag your content as First Draft, or Done, or Published, and so on to keep track of your progress.
Scrivener has a “cork-board” feature that mimics posting index cards on a bulletin board.
You can keep all your research notes at hand, referring to them as needed.
I worked out an editorial calendar of sorts for all my blogging needs.
At the right time, you can Compile into many different file types — PDF, Word, RTF, web page — and styles, like eBook, paperback, non-fiction, screenplay, and the like.
Even the experts find more and more uses for this incredible program.
Get and keep your writing organized with Scrivener.
Do you use Scrivener? What do you like about it?
John L