
The End of a Good Year

Every year, the past comes back to haunt me. This week between Christmas and New Year is my traditional reflection week. Reflection is good for the soul and helps protect the future. Reflection is good for you. Spending time with my goals and my accomplishments is more often a disappointment than an triumph, but I […]

Resources The Writing Life

My Writing Garret

Every writer needs a writing place, a garret, a place to focus on the task at hand. The garret is a mythical refuge from busyness that offers quiet and inspiration. Some writers have an actual workshop separate from their living space where they can spend the time productively. Their tools are close at hand; their […]

The Writing Life Thoughts

This Is My Last Day to Write

Some First Post, isn’t it. Start a new blog and then quit. What I really mean: I don’t know when my allotted days come to an end, so this indeed might be my last day. You just never know. This means that instead of letting random interruptions take my focus, I concentrate on making this […]