Productivity Resources

Scrivener and Productivity

For the past month, or so, between handling our online store products and rebuilding my crashed laptop, I’ve been working out how to best use Scrivener, the inexpensive yet Powerful writer’s organization program. (You can get your version on Amazon  through my affiliate link, here: Scrivener on Amazon. I have been dipping my toes in […]

Resources The Writing Life

Keys to Writing Productivity

Writers write. I read a short Kindle book about the secret to being a productive writer. “Successful writers write, and write, and write, and then write some more.” Now, that’s a secret. But, sometimes, we can’t. Not because of writer’s block, but because of lack of productivity. Productivity is a combination of motivation, and managing […]

Resources The Writing Life

My Writing Garret

Every writer needs a writing place, a garret, a place to focus on the task at hand. The garret is a mythical refuge from busyness that offers quiet and inspiration. Some writers have an actual workshop separate from their living space where they can spend the time productively. Their tools are close at hand; their […]